Spider man 2

Spider man 2

The main picture on the poster is of spiderman and a woman. he is holding her showing that soemthing in this film happens between them and that they are both main characters. The empire stae builsing in new york is in the backhground showing that the film is set in new york. In the reflection of spidermans eye you can see dr octopus which is the villan in this film. I think that it is smart to put him in the reflection of spiderman’s eye instead of somehwere in the background because it looks better and shows that dr octopus is always there showing that in this film the villan and superhero have a lot of fights. no names of actors or actresses have been named on the poster. The title of the film is the biggest peice of writing on the poster but it stillisnt very big which means that the superman film must be well known as the picture is so big with such little writing people must know what film is it as soon as they look at the picture on the poster. There is no date on the poster because they are trying to keep people anxious and wait for the film to come out.

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