
Typography is:

  • ‘The art or process of setting and arranging types and printing from them.
  • The style and appearance of printed matter.’

leading is:

  • The amount of blank space between lines of print.

Kerning is:

  • Adjust the spacing between (letters or characters) in a piece of text to be printed.
  • Make (letters) overlap.

Ascenders are:

  • A part of a letter that extends above the main part (as in b and h).

descenders are:

  • A part of a letter that extends below the level of its base of a letter (as in g and p).

Adrian Fruitger.

He is a past typographer because he came to the worlds attention during the 1950’s, he desighned over 50 type faces and has produced hundreds of logo’s. His first commercial typeface was a set of titling capital letters with small, bracketed serfis, releaed in 1954 Loc.-Lugano this was designed for a road sign.

I think there style of work was simple but bold. It would stand out which bit would need to because this font is seen everyday by lots of people either on the road or at a train station. The use of kerning used in this font is good because its not too much that it takes a while for you to understand what it actually says and its also not too little so you can easily read the simple writing. The use of leading is good as well because the lines aren’t too close to each other so you don’t get mixed up with distance, directions and places.

My opinion of this font is it’s boring but its very useful for everyday font’s for example the road signs and train signs because it would be un-professional and confusing to use big bubble writing for a road or train sign. The reason I think it  is boring it because its plain, bold and simple but in the context it is used it need’s to be.

Another example of his work is a more recent one. Untitled I like this one more because its more modern and I think it would be used for a music festival poster of a poster to attract young adults. The kerning isn’t used in the way of the letters being far apart because all of the letters are close together but for this type of font being used on posters you need bright bold fonts that stand out to get your attention but you need them close together as well which is how the leading has also been used which mades you actually read it.